Sunday, November 10, 2013

Sneak Peeks of our Spring/Summer 2014 Catalog...

Hey There! I am so pleased to be able to show you some sneak peeks of some of the *new products* coming in our 2014 Spring/Summer Idea Book & Catalog! It's a rare occasion for Customers and Consultants to be getting an early look at any future catalog products so I'm thrilled to be able to show you these now!


I mentioned earlier this week that Close To My Heart will be releasing our own version of this popular Multi-Pocket/Multi-Photo Scrapbooking system. Our new Picture My Life™ Scrapbooking Program is going to simplify your memory keeping while at the same time offer you some variety in your albums. If you still LOVE playing with paper and glue like I do, that's great, but if in addition to playing with paper and glue you want some help getting MORE done in less time...then I hope you'll consider letting me help you! 
As you will see, we are going to be offering cards from two of our previous paper collections, four from our current paper collections and we will have two more from our new paper collections in the upcoming catalog (not yet's a surprise!)

What will be included in our Picture My Life™ Scrapbooking Program?

Each individual program features a unique 12 x 12 cover page, 122 double-sided, designed cards plus 10 unique Memory Protectors™ to hold creative combinations of these cards and your own photos. You get 44 – 4" × 6" cards (2 each of 22 designs) which come in 14 vertical and 8 horizontal designs. You also get 78 – 3" × 4" cards (3 each of 26 designs) which come in 10 vertical designs and 16 horizontal designs.



How is the Picture My Life™ scrapbooking program intended to be used?

The product was designed to fill the 10 included Memory Protectors™ following a guideline of 50% photos to 50% cards (which will give you several different card options leftover to give you choice as you create your custom layout.) However, it’s just a fun and versatile product—you can use it any way you wish! If you use a higher ratio of photos, you can purchase additional Memory Protectors™ separately (all styles sold separately as well as part of the scrapbooking program); you can mix and match cards from different programs, and you can absolutely mix Picture My Life™ with classic 12" × 12" layouts, including those from Workshops on the Go™ and coordinating My Reflections™ paper packets.

Later Sk8r

Who should be using this new Picture My Life™ scrapbooking program?

Anyone who wants to preserve and showcase their photos beautifully, but may not be as interested in creativity or hands-on crafting. This style of memory keeping will help young moms, teens, and those of you with limited time or creative aspirations to organize dozens of photos quickly, easily, and with fast journaling options. The product is intended to be affordable, fast, and "individual," meaning it does not require group/club/workshop time to complete or extensive instruction to understand. It is intentionally intuitive.

For those of you who love Workshops on the Go™, how-to patterns, and hands-on creativity, we strongly encourage you to continue on with this memory-keeping style that you know! You may wish to purchase Picture My Life™ as a way to EXTEND your hand-crafted layouts or Workshops on the Go™ projects. You might choose to scrapbook your favorite photos from an event, but then use Picture My Life™ for all the other photos from that event.

Laughing Lola

Surf's Up

So how are they different from Becky Higgins' Project Life? 

Well the most obvious answer to that is that we are working with the design elements from our paper collections! Our embellishments AND stamps will work hand in hand with the Picture My Life™ scrapbooking program. Our cards are printed on the same Background & Texture weight cardstock which is heavier than similar programs on the market. Our 12" X 12" cover page will give your albums a unique, finished look and our Memory Protectors™remain the same heavy-weight, durable material you’ve come to depend on to protect your photos—absolutely the industry standard!

How can I get one of these Picture My Life™ Scrapbooking Program's for FREE?

Join my Team!!! If you sign up between November 1 and December 15, 2013, and you submit qualifying minimum personal sales, you will receive one of your choice of the incredible new Picture My Life™ scrapbooking programs! You will also become the newest member of the Close To My Heart family!

Please message me if you have ANY questions about this new product line or about joining my team. Remember that 'you are usually your best customer' when considering becoming a Consultant and that you get a discount/commission every time you order for yourself or your friends and family!

Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for stopping by!

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Hey all! I just need to make mention that all content is by me, unless otherwise noted
and I ask that you don't copy or re-create any of the artwork posted on here for submissions to contests, publication or profit. But feel free to "lift" for your own personal use, all I ask is that you give credit where credit is due! Thanks.