Monday, May 28, 2012

Oh My Word!!!

Well, I don't know what to say other than I have been silly crazy busy!!! It's been 20 days since my last post!!! I can't remember the last time I went this long without posting...sheesh :)

Hockey Tournaments, Rugby Championship games, Track & Field meets, Mother's Day, Dance Competitions, 16th Birthday, Convocation and Prom...that's what I've been doing...finishing off my Monthly Hostess Club Workshops for this session, creating layouts for two different classes I'm teaching for BC Scrapbooking Crop for Kids in October and preparing for my CTMH Convention in Dallas, Texas! Oh and creating for my DT responsibilities over at Let's Scrap!

Last week's sketch looks something like this:

and my version of it went a little like this :

Great new large alphabet stamp set from the whimsical feel from this one :)

Now I have to show off a couple of photos of what's been happening in my world as well...

My eldest daughter finished with High School and heading to University! Boy am I feeling old :(

But does she ever look like a beauty queen in these photos of her in her Prom proud :)

My middle daughter celebrated her 16th Birthday and we went to get her 'learners' driving permit...

My son making the final kick of the Fraser Valley Grade 8 Rugby Championship Game...we won!!! Yeah!!!!

and some Hockey thrown in there as well for good measure :)

Oh and I almost forgot about his Track and Field meet...

the Triple Jump, which he placed Third in...another proud Momma moment :)

and the 500M race...

and I forgot we celebrated Mother's Day as well which was fun as we went out for dinner to our favourite dinner spot...

and last but not least, my daughter turning 16 and her sweet boyfriend hosting a surprise birthday party for her last night :)

So seeing as I've been so super crazy busy with regular life stuff and some extra special events over that past two plus weeks...I have plenty of fun photos to now play with for my scrapbook pages...thanks for stopping by today and I hope your week is great!


  1. Wow Kristine where did you find time to sleep with all that going on in life. Loved seeing all the fabulous photos but hope things will slow down a bit for you in June.

  2. Hi Kristine :) Yup, you're super crazy but you are definitely a proud Momma and a very lucky Momma indeed! Have great days ahead!

  3. Wow, hectic life...awesome pics!

  4. Great photo's...I love the ones of your daughter in her prom dress...she is beautiful and the dress too! Definitely a great photo to scrap!

  5. I think we've all been there! Hope you can take some time to relax now. BTW, your layout is beautiful and your daughters are even more lovely. Thanks for sharing a slice of your life with us.



Hey all! I just need to make mention that all content is by me, unless otherwise noted
and I ask that you don't copy or re-create any of the artwork posted on here for submissions to contests, publication or profit. But feel free to "lift" for your own personal use, all I ask is that you give credit where credit is due! Thanks.