Saturday, June 25, 2011

Cards, cards and more cards

Ok, so not everybody can rock the *card*...I am one of those people that can't...well maybe I can, but it takes me a ridiculous amount of time because I do 12x12...large scale stuff, not small scale stuff and honestly, it throws me for a loop! Weird huh? well thankfully there are plenty of resources out there for those of us that find card making a challenge :)

Jeannette Lynton, founder of the 'Close To My Heart' scrapbooking and stamping company, has created two beauties in her 'Originals' & 'Wishes' card how-to-books. Without these babies I would truly be lost in cyber world surfing for inspiration. Very time consuming and frustrating for some...

These cards on the other hand, I created with the paper scraps I used for my son's Rugby layouts I posted a couple days ago...made them at the same time...between layouts actually...didn't take me too long and didn't stress me out overly ;)

This card design is called 'All Tucked In' (page 94 ~ Wishes) & I used the 'Enjoy Life' and Birthday 'Card Chatter' stamp sets


This card design is 'card 5' (page 114  ~ Wishes greeting card workshop) & I used the Birthday 'Card Chatter' stamp set

This card design is 'Curtain Call' (page 94 ~ Wishes) & I used the 'Enjoy Life' stamp set

Check out these links for some inspirational Card sketches/maps:

Now remember that any sketch, with a little thought and creativity, can become a page layout or a card layout...remember this post where I used a card sketch from Let's Scrap and created a single paged layout! I hope you find these resources helpful and have a great Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. Uhooi,,
    Cards are nice and kretaif,,



Hey all! I just need to make mention that all content is by me, unless otherwise noted
and I ask that you don't copy or re-create any of the artwork posted on here for submissions to contests, publication or profit. But feel free to "lift" for your own personal use, all I ask is that you give credit where credit is due! Thanks.