Saturday, February 1, 2014

New Catalog and an iPad Blogging platform...

Well it's Saturday and it's also February 1st!!!! Wowzers, where did January go?

Today is the day the new Spring/Summer 2014 CTMH catalog goes live to everyone! I've received my first shipment of goodies and played with several items last weekend while I was away at The Ultimate Scrapbooking's called the Ultimate because its just that...Ultimate food, surroundings, company...

This is the view from the lake first thing Sunday was cold and slightly freezing but a beautiful layer of fog was sitting on the surface of the lake as the sun was coming up over the trees...

What an amazing reflection...the water is so often perfectly still like it was here...the peace of the water is exactly how it sounded last weekend...all I heard was the sound of my own if I was the only person for miles.

Anyways, the part I really wanted to show you was how little I actually packed!!! I think this is the first time ever that I've come to Loon Lake with such a small amount of supplies...perhaps it's the fact that I'm now driving a tiny VW Beetle...? Or maybe I've finally realized what I will realistically get accomplished in a weekend!

Now the milk crate contained my 2013 Project Life album that I was 5 months behind on...yeah, you heard me, 5 months behind on...and I got completely caught up! Granted I spent three days prior to the weekend, planning what photos I would print and what weeks they will reside in...but the weekend was spent picking cards and embellishing and journalling...a little stamping and a lot of fun seeing this project getting completed!

I am so thrilled to have the journalling done and my 2014 album well underway...the teal trolley (from Ikea, if you didn't already know) was full of PL 4x6 and 3x4 cards, photos and embellishments...I brought along some paper packs (in the top bin) just incase I wanted a change of scenery but I didn't.

Not a great photo at all but you get the idea...I completed at least 20 two page spreads! I am amazed with myself...can you tell?!!

I will showcase a couple different layouts in the coming days...I dug into some new CTMH products for this album and I want to show you how I used them!

In the meantime, perhaps you'd like to follow this link and check out our newest catalog of super yummy new products?!!!

Take special note of our new scrapbooking program called Picture My Life...which follows the same concept as Project Life and allows you to get your photos into albums to enjoy without the need for scissors or glue...just slide in your photos and slide in some fun cards for journalling your memories and jazzing up the space around your's as easy at that and so fast that you'll be amazed!

Interested in seeing the Picture My Life Scrapbooking program? Click here

Want a peek at the entire catalog? Click here

Thanks so much for stopping in today! Now fingers crossed that this new app on my iPad, Blogsy, will actually successfully post (cause the last app was terrible)


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Hey all! I just need to make mention that all content is by me, unless otherwise noted
and I ask that you don't copy or re-create any of the artwork posted on here for submissions to contests, publication or profit. But feel free to "lift" for your own personal use, all I ask is that you give credit where credit is due! Thanks.