Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Scrapbook Challenges

Good Morning! 
I've been playing some more with sketches, paper, scissors and glue!

Over at Scrapbook Challenges, they've got a sketch...it can be a single page or a double page, you choose!

I decided on a double page, mostly because that is what I usually do and it is my comfort zone when it comes to layouts...however I am starting to get much braver on the single page front and seem to be scrapping both fairly equally these days :]

Here is their Sketch 301...I hope you give this one a try!

and here's what fun I had with this double pager :]

Yes, Marissa has turned 16 and on her Birthday I took her to the Motor Vehicle Office and she was tested on her driving smarts!!! She passed no problem and after her eye exam, photograph, paying the fees and signing on the dotted line...she was given her one year temporary 'Learner's License'...that was the easy part, now she needs to practice actually driving a car! Yikes :|

Everything was dug from my stash and it felt good to get some more recent photos scrapped this weekend!

I had a lot of fun working with this sketch, hopefully you do too! Thanks for stopping by today :)


  1. What an amazing moment in a young woman's life, not to mention the lives of her parents! You have beautifully document this milestone for Marissa! Congrats!

    1. Thanks Kay! I know at this point I don't surprise my kids at all with the camera in every location we head off too!!!



Hey all! I just need to make mention that all content is by me, unless otherwise noted
and I ask that you don't copy or re-create any of the artwork posted on here for submissions to contests, publication or profit. But feel free to "lift" for your own personal use, all I ask is that you give credit where credit is due! Thanks.