Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Too many photos, too little time!!!

How many of you have hundreds of photos you want to scrapbook but are getting frustrated because you just don't seem to have as much time? Perhaps you have oodles of photos from one event, you love many of them but are feeling overwhelmed to even think about starting to scrapbook them?

Great questions right? and not an easy one to answer...

In my daughter's Grad album, yes I said GRAD ALBUM ! because I took about 1000 photos of Convocation, Grad Cruise, Grad dress, Grad pool party, getting ready and photos of her and her date...etc... you get the idea!

Fortunately my kids are really photogenic , but unfortunatley that makes it so very hard to get rid of or weed out the bad ones...so I decided to scrapbook the photos I wanted to play with and then I slipped into the album photo sleeves with various sized photos and journalling cards...

This first photo is an example of how I scrapbooked some pictures of Olivia's girlfriends and their shoes...but the second page is just pics of her and her friends...and I KNEW that if I even considered scrapbooking all of these types of photos, I'd go crazy and get extremely BORED!

This page below is one of their Grad Cruise...all of the photos are fun, but also numerous and just too much to think I would scrapbook everything...but this way she can look through this album and see all her photos (well most) and add her own journalling and see some of my scrapbooking too...

These pictures below are an example of the hundreds I took, that I LOVE but couldn't possibly scrapbook even a quarter of...again too many photos, love them all and I wanted her to be able to flip through these photos and see most of the photos I took...

You can get great 4x6 and 2x3 size pre-printed cards now through Project Life or Echo Park's Photo Freedom or Memory Works Sn@p Life!...to name a few. There are many different 12x12 sheets of paper by paper companies, for this purpose...it makes getting your photos into albums and off the computer so much easier!!!

You can find page protector sleeves like these ones through me with Close To My Heart (4x6 Horizontal and Vertical pages only) or with Echo Park or We R Memory Keepers or Project Life to name a few...
The expression
"Mama, don't let your babies grown up to be JPEGS!!!" I have recently been LIVING by...in a digital world we take lots of photos and don't seem to print them! I print the ones I love, scrapbook some of my favourites or the ones that have a story to tell and add the rest this way, to all my albums...I have made it way less overwhelming and if I find after that I want to take a photo or two out of any album to scrapbook...I can...but in the meantime, we have a finished album to look at when the events happen as apposed to a year or more later!

Hopefully you will spend some time flagging your special photos on your computer and sending them off to be printed...start by filing them into albums and then make some decisions about which ones are going to have a special place being 'scrapbooked' and which ones are just going to make it into the album You may even discover some photos on your computer that you completely forgot you took!

1 comment:

  1. Kristine, this is an awesome post! Confession: I don't usually READ people's posts, just browse the pics, but this one I read fully, and enjoyed fully :-) My interest has been peeked lately with PL and have been thinking of giving it a try, and I love your approach to it! And those photos are amazing - you do have very photogenic kids :-)



Hey all! I just need to make mention that all content is by me, unless otherwise noted
and I ask that you don't copy or re-create any of the artwork posted on here for submissions to contests, publication or profit. But feel free to "lift" for your own personal use, all I ask is that you give credit where credit is due! Thanks.