Friday, February 22, 2013

Can't get enough challenges???

I know, there are more challenges to spark your creativity than there are hours in the day! Let alone time with which to do them all....but I'm going to share one with you all anyways!!!

It's my turn over at Scrapbook Challenges to host the February Altered Challenge...I am not a 3D or Home Decor kinda Krafty Gal...but I did look at this challenge from a recycled/repurposed angle.

Our theme this month is Relationships, and my spin on it was our relationship with Mother I took a cardboard box, some scrapbooking embellishment packaging and a bottle cap off the cider I drank the other day...and used each of these three items in my layout! Strange I know, but effective and I like how it all came together!

(Remember to click on each image for an enlarged view)

I found an old typewriter in our local thrift store, it worked, so I grabbed's not super pretty but it is fun to use for journalling...even if there's no erase key working...lots of mis-typed bits adds to the character...right!???

I also had fun pulling out some of my stamps...they've been neglected lately so it was nice to take the time to try to incorporate them into a layout, I have to remember to do that more often as I was happy with them once I did!

Make sure to check out my challenge on the Scrapbook Challenges Blog if you want to see some great sketches or see what other challenges are going on this month...there is always some great prizes up for grabs for those that participate so have fun!!!

I hope this challenge sparks some creativity in you, thanks for stopping by :)

1 comment:


Hey all! I just need to make mention that all content is by me, unless otherwise noted
and I ask that you don't copy or re-create any of the artwork posted on here for submissions to contests, publication or profit. But feel free to "lift" for your own personal use, all I ask is that you give credit where credit is due! Thanks.