Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Circles and more circles...

Hello! So glad you've stopped by today!

I have a sketch from Let's Scrap this week and I've interpreted it quite differently...
Now firstly I've created a single page, I seem to be creating a lot of those these days...not sure if the tide is shifting with the double page layouts or if I'm just needing a change...

The funny thing about these photos is that it was a few days before we left on Christmas holidays and I usually get my BFF, Tania, a gift and Jaime usually buys her hubby, Rob, a gift...he thought it would be funny to buy Tania a giant wedge of Parmesan cheese from an Italian Deli in town and wrap it up inside a big box full of popcorn?!!! 
Strange, yes...but also funny ;)

I LOVE this Basic Grey paper collection, 'Paper Cottage' and the sticker sheet that came with it was a great addition...

even found some of those Martha Stewart doilies and threw that in there too!

Would love to see what you can do with this sketch too! Head on over to Let's Scrap and set up a profile so you can share your work or just search the gallery and see what others have done with this week's sketch! It's a great site and full of super supportive folks from all over the world! let me know how you make out :)


  1. I love what you did with this sketch and I love the papers and the story made me giggle.. . the kind of thing that my DH would do....

    1. thanks Val :) I hope to create another one with this sketch too!

  2. Kristine, I have awarded you the Liebster blog award. You can get the details here....
    You rock!



Hey all! I just need to make mention that all content is by me, unless otherwise noted
and I ask that you don't copy or re-create any of the artwork posted on here for submissions to contests, publication or profit. But feel free to "lift" for your own personal use, all I ask is that you give credit where credit is due! Thanks.