Thursday, September 1, 2011

I've got my Weave on!

Yes I do! Paper Weaving that is!

One of my fellow Design Team members at Let's Scrap has come up with a challenge this past week to create a layout using good old fashioned 'paper weaving' and I thought I'd give it a try!

So to start with, she has given us a tutorial on how she used two different colours of cardstock and then showed us how she did it! Looked easy enough...not as easy as it looks I must say!

Instead of having both strips loose, I decided to have my base colour, Cocoa, cut into 1/2" strips from 12x12 cardstock but instead of cutting them all the way through, I decided to cut them near the end...this way, all my 1/2" strips were still attached to one another...then I decided to add two different alternate colours of cardstock (cause why make it simple on myself!) AND one strip of patterned paper...and to make it even trickier, why not make them all different sizes!

The Creme Brulee cardstock was 1/4", the Juniper cardstock was 1/2" and the new Typeset patterned strips were 3/4"...all woven into the Cocoa 1/2" the end this is what I created:

Now the instructions for the base frames in Cocoa and Kraft cardstock can be found HERE under the Forum section in 'Design Team Challenge 110' if you want to give it a try for was actually challenging and super fun...kicking it Old School with paper weaving!

Here's the finished layout...I almost didn't want to cover it all up...felt bad actually, but in the end I'm happy I finally used these photos that I've looked at several times over the past 8 years! Yes, old photos of my boy Matthew and his pal Payton when they were 5 years old! Just didn't have the right place for them until this challenge! So cute...thanks for stopping by :)

Everything you see is Close To My Heart! I love the changes they have made to their products...

Products Used:

(X7139B) Typeset Level 2 paper pack
(Z1464) Milepost Shapes
(Z1450) Colour-Ready Cork Alphabet
(X7139C) Typeset Complements Canvas Shapes
(Z1461) Decor Journalling Spots
Juniper, Creme Brulle, Colonial White, Kraft and Cocoa Cardstock

Check the Design Team Challenge link again tomorrow for this next week's newest challenge from Rene!


  1. Wow! Love this layout!! Might have to give that paper weaving a try!

  2. Thanks Carla! it was fun and challenging!

  3. Hi Kristine!
    Thanks for following, I am a follower of your blog now too! I love this great community of ours. p.s. Your layout is awesome, with the weaving.




Hey all! I just need to make mention that all content is by me, unless otherwise noted
and I ask that you don't copy or re-create any of the artwork posted on here for submissions to contests, publication or profit. But feel free to "lift" for your own personal use, all I ask is that you give credit where credit is due! Thanks.