Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Deck Progress

After our return from Shuswap in August, our builders surprised us with the demolition of our deck!

This is the view from the grass:

and this is what the deck looks like today:

the ceiling is looking great and Jeff has the walls built for the bar-be-que station and the wind break next to the stairs...the pillar on the right of the stairs will be wrapped in stack stone as well...tomorrow Jeff will be building the wall for the fireplace.

 It's exciting to be creating this outdoor living space, but the construction is quite messy, sawdust everywhere inside the house...whenever the dogs come inside the floors and couches are covered with sawdust...I've given up on keeping it clean...hopefully the cutting of wood will be done this week and we will start focussing on the roof and stonework...stay tuned for more progress photos :)


  1. fireplace will be in tom.


    1. You ROCK Ron! Can't wait...Jeff is finishing the roof prep for the roofers now and then building the fireplace wall :)



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