Monday, March 18, 2013

Project Life integrated...

Hello! SO glad you've stopped in!!!

I have been sorting through my photos and I'm getting them into albums! I've decided that of all the plastic containers I have of certain events full of photos, I know that I have already scrapbooked my favourites. 

How do I know this? 

Well if I've printed these events out months and months ago, and I've already scrapbooked some of the photos from the event...then it stands to reason that while I might like the extra photos (because I chose them to print in the first place) I am done scrapbooking it in my mind already! So that being said...I've pulled out my Becky Higgins photo sleeves, trimmed my remaining photos and added bits of left over papers and stickers and now I have the whole event in an album! Yeah for me!!!

Want to see? ok...

Let me show you how these pages are going to sit in my 'Everyday Life' album for 2012...starting with page one of our trip to the Zoo. I took my nieces and my son and daughter and it was so much fun that I took waaaaay too many photos ;)

page 1&2 
page 3&4
page 5&6
page 7&8
and here's a few close ups:

Now after all that I still had a couple photos I wanted to created a page from! Imagine that! and I still had some scraps of paper from this great Echo Park 'Fall Fever' line to create this:

This layout will go into my 'All About Marissa' album...seeing as it's all about my daughter's relationship with her cousin, I thought it would be nice to add to her personal album.

It just so happens that this layout was created from today's sketch release from Scrapbook Challenges as well :) So after this really long post you are rewarded with a new sketch to play with!!! 


  1. This is LOVELY! Thanks for the follow! I am following you too!

  2. LOVE this, Kristine!! Been thinking of trying PL with CTMH photo storage pages, as I have a TON of them just sitting here! Such a great way to get those "extra" pics scrapped :-)
    Love that EP paper too!

  3. Kristine this is amazing I love those PL albums and I love what you have done with them ... Love the layouts too they are amazing. You are such a busy lady. Thanks for sharing :D love it.

  4. I like the idea of using the PL pages mixed in with your other scrapbook page sizes... and "photos in" is awesome!



Hey all! I just need to make mention that all content is by me, unless otherwise noted
and I ask that you don't copy or re-create any of the artwork posted on here for submissions to contests, publication or profit. But feel free to "lift" for your own personal use, all I ask is that you give credit where credit is due! Thanks.