Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Happy Birthday Daddy!

I thought I'd add some cute pictures of my Daddy and my daughter seeing as it is his Birthday today and what better way to advertise this than by posting a silly photo of him for everyone to see! 

As I'm sure you are able to detect, they are dancing on the beach! 

I love that my Dad can still be silly!

We spent two weeks in Mexico with my entire family over the holidays and as you can see we had fun :)

These two beauties will be doning the pages of my scrapbooks soon enough!

Happy Birthday Daddy!

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Hey all! I just need to make mention that all content is by me, unless otherwise noted
and I ask that you don't copy or re-create any of the artwork posted on here for submissions to contests, publication or profit. But feel free to "lift" for your own personal use, all I ask is that you give credit where credit is due! Thanks.